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Head of section: Horia Cornean

Section of Mathematics

The Section for Mathematics covers three interrelated research areas: Mathematical Analysis - Computational Mathematics and Modelling - Mathematics for Communication and Security.

Head of section: Horia Cornean

Section of Mathematics

The Section for Mathematics covers three interrelated research areas: Mathematical Analysis - Computational Mathematics and Modelling - Mathematics for Communication and Security.


Besides a sustained research activity in more classical pure and applied mathematical topics, the group members of the section of Mathematics are also very much interested in developing joint activities with engineering groups from AAU.

With expertise in the development of complex mathematical models that consider a wide range of parameters, we could help engineers dealing with problems involving topics like, for example, ordinary and partial differential equations, dynamical systems, optimization, computational fluid dynamics, coding theory, signal processing, and many others. Please read below for further details regarding the actual research groups.

About the research groups

Staff list for Mathematics


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