Head of section: Ege Rubak
The Section for statistics and mathematical economics

Head of section: Ege Rubak
The Section for statistics and mathematical economics

The ability to extract information from data is fundamental in science, engineering and economy. This makes statistics and more generally data science indispensable. This is not least due to current enormous amounts of data where quantity of data can easily be confused with amount of information.
The section of statistics and mathematical economics is at the forefront of methodological research in computational statistics, graphical models, econometrics, mathematical finance, forensic genetics and spatial statistics.
The section moreover possesses expertise in a wide range of statistical and data scientific disciplines such as biostatistics, time series analysis, and survival analysis as well as risk management. The group collaborates with external partners in numerous cross disciplinary research projects.
The basic philosophy of the group is that data and scientific questions are the key motivation for research in statistical theory and methodology. Thus most of the research of the group is founded in real world problems. To establish solid theoretical foundations for proposed solutions the group performs sophisticated basic research in mathematics and in particular probability theory.
About the research areas
Staff list for Statistics and Mathematical Economics